From December's movie-watching, reading, and theater-going - in haiku ...
Prince Charles ascends then
Abdicates. The hollow crown
Succeeds to William.

Aeneas: from Troy to
Carthage. Conquer than be
Conquered in love / war.
Newt docks in New York.
Magical beasts loose. "Know not
Destroy" preserves all.
Bros rob banks, save farm.
Root for "bad guys." The Western
Is alive and well.
Hippie fam honors
Dead mom. All kinds of smarts to
Make it in this world.

What good is love from
Afar? Textured light and sound.
The pilgrims' the star.

Five lives, one bullet.
Victor jailed, freed - stands in for
Spain. Minor opus.

Late Lang, cop against
Corrupt system. Coffee pot!
Grahame blasts them all.

Detroit horror: blind
Man versus home invaders.
Escape from ruins.

Pete lost in the wild,
Dragon comforts. An eco
Conscious folk remake.

Red snitch, dissident,
Married man - alternate lives.
Abroad is freedom.

Man, woman, boy, girl -
Theater games, Albee word plays:
Youth, age, Illusions.

"Tight-knit family,"
AIDS era. Trina's true north.
Tears of love than death.
Bey wants Italian,
Eats pasta. Act one ends with
Cuckoo clock chorus.

Eighties Brit "Mad Men,"
Boil takes over Bagley's mind.
We are slaves to ads.

Potter and Malfoy
Juniors time travel. How to
Be a good parent?
Salome dances,
Wants prophet's head. Strauss music
Descends to the pits.

Jackie mourns, plans a
Funeral, leaves beautiful
Legacy behind.

Cressida exchanged
For Greek - how women survive
Men in times of war.
Joan hears voices, fights
The English. What's at stake? Truth
Sunk by Politics.

Bill's friend visits the
Kidders. Con man? Lover? Live
With the side you know.
Carr, Joyce, Lenin, and
Tzara in Zurich / "Earnest."
Art's role in this world?

Band of rebels steal
Death Star plans. War movie in
Space. All lost, hope lives.

George gets comeuppance.
Selfishness stunts progress and love.
Moorehead steals from all.

Cops chase cop-killers.
Psycho's human. Hermann strings.
Loners meet, connect.