01 February 2010


First day of school for this term.
Already 6 chapters behind.
Cue the circus music ... and the juggling begins.

Coincidentally, from The NY Times:
The Choice: A Tougher ‘A’ at Princeton Has Students on Edge
Published: February 1, 2010
Some 'Type-A' students on an Ivy League campus worry that the job market may punish them for grades lower than at other institutions.

I can vouch for my school (non-Ivy)-
That those who come to expect an easy A
Are sorely mistaken.
A few classmates from another private university, nonmatriculated,
Took Physics during the summer in my school -
Because they thought our Physics would be easier than their school's Physics.
Also it would increase their GPA at the other university - if they earn that A.
An underestimation on their part. (Not to mention that laws in Physics do not differ from school to school.)
And this was a prerequisite class for med school!

I am Type A.
Grades matter to me.
Up to a point.
An easy A is a waste of time if I learned not a whit.

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