14 October 2010

"The Bread of Angels"

"Ethan Frome" was never this hot. (It was steamy in its own way.) Lapham's Quaterly published a blue piece authored by Edith Wharton, circa 1919:
One by one they gained her bosom, and she felt her two breasts pointing up to them, the nipples hard as coral, but sensitive as lips to his approaching touch. And now his warm palms were holding each breast as if in a cup, clasping it, modeling it, softly kneading it, as he whispered to her, “Like the bread of the angels.”

I knew she could write. I guess it should not surprise me that she could write like this. I'll just say I would've had more fun with my literary criticism paper in high school if I were reading this in addition to "The House of Mirth," "The Age of Innocence," and "Ethan Frome."

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