06 August 2008


The first week of August instructs us to feng shui our lives by celebrating National Simplify Your Life Week - a tidbit courtesy of CBS Sunday Morning News. Do professional personal organizers and declutterers have that powerful a lobby? Maybe instead of sinking down on the couch simply watching "neatTV" and "Clean House," I should sort my junk alongside the folks in the program and hold a giant yard sale for useless stuff. Selling possessions may be the only option for some to fend off foreclosures in this economic climate anyway.

Not going to be as drastic as some have done - whittling down their material possession to 100 things. That just sounds so monastic.

How To Live With Just 100 Things
by Lisa McLaughlin
Time Magazine, 06/05/08

Like always, I will start with cleaning my desk. Fie on those who psychoanalyze my clutter! I'm not messy just because my life is.


ShockingSchadenfreude said...

If I could only keep 100 books, I would just stick my head in the oven and be done with it.

That solves the clutter problem too but not in the way that they would like.

Flamire said...

I count my books as 1 bulk item, so are my CDs, and my DVDs - the way they count it on the express lane at the grocery store.

ShockingSchadenfreude said...

If I count my books as one, CD's as one, DVD's as one, clothes as one, and kitchen equipment as one, I am quite sure I have less than 100 items. :-)